Diabetic Nephropathy — Know-how Diabetes and kidney complications are interlinked.

Cankado Diabetes
3 min readAug 24, 2020


Diabetic nephropathy — Kidney diseases caused by diabetes. In our previous blogs, we have seen about diabetic complications in different parts of our body like , eye, oral health, foot, ear. Also, we discussed how diabetes leads to stroke, dementia. Here we are going to discuss how diabetes affects the very important organ of the body — kidney.
The kidney is one of the vital organs of our body. Considering diabetes is a chronic condition, if not managed properly over time it may lead to numerous different complications. The same goes for the kidney

Diabetes effect on kidney:

There are millions of tiny blood vessels in the kidney that serve as a filter for removing the waste from the food eaten. Diabetes has the potential to affect the tiny blood vessels and nerves. If diabetes is left untreated for a long time it may head to damage in the tiny blood vessels in the kidney disrupting the filtration process. When the function of the kidney gets disturbed innumerable unwanted waste will settle in the blood and urine.

Both and diabetes patients are affected by kidney diseases. It is predicted that about 30% of the type 1 diabetes population and 40% of the type 2 diabetes population are affected by diabetes nephropathy (diabetes kidney disease).

Diabetes nephropathy symptoms:

Early diabetes kidney disease symptoms and signs include:

  • Increased albumin in the urine
  • Weight gain
  • Ankle swelling

Albumin and hypertension should be checked at least once in a year to determine early kidney complications

Other signs and symptoms include:

  • High blood pressure
  • More urinating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle cramps
  • Rise of blood urine nitrogen
  • Less need for insulin
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite


  • Self-care — It is very important in managing kidney disease. To avoid further complications take care of your blood sugar and blood pressure level tightly. A small rise in blood sugar can make kidney disease worsen. Maintain body weight properly.
  • Drugs — Most doctors prefer ACE inhibitors for patients with diabetes to treat kidney diseases.
  • Diet — Many doctors prefer a low-protein diet for treating.
  • Dialysis — Once the kidney loses all his ability to function, or it functions only 10–15 % of its ability then Dialysis is highly recommended.
  • Kidney Transplant — A kidney transplant is recommended when the kidney loses its function and there is a healthy donor.


Proper management of diabetes is the key to prevent diabetes kidney diseases. Management of diabetes includes

  1. Adequate physical activity like Exercises, yoga, etc
  2. Take your blood pressure under control.
  3. Check for the albumin in your urine once a year

Management is now so easy with a large number of technological influences like telemedicine such as health tracking apps, websites. provides a proper e-health solution that also provides a connection with your physician through the app or website. Cankado Pro-React provides a high-end unique solution for diabetes patients.

Know more about diabetes and cankado in diabetes.cankado.com.

Originally published at https://diabetes.cankado.com on August 24, 2020.



Cankado Diabetes

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